Saturday, March 27, 2010

What to do when you don't have a coupon.

If you are like me, after you get in the habit of consistent couponing you will at times suffer what I call "coupon guilt". This is when you need or want something for which you have no coupon or amazing sale. So what do you do? After I have exhausted all papers and websites I give up and go to the dollar store or even dollar tree! Oh yeah they are a great discount store without all the work of unraveling the latest greatest "stackable coupons" and "reward points" etc. Just going in you know that you will leave with a great price on something you needed. Some of the main items I look for at the dollar store when I do not have a great coupon scenario include... cleaning supplies, snacks, seasonal decor and candy, batteries, toothpaste and toothbrushes, kids activity books, loads of kids craft supplies, picture frames etc. Depending on your particular store in your area they may differ on their selection.
The Second place to look when I do not have a coupon is to the "store brands". Now there are some that are no good, in my personal opinion I do not like generic or "store brand" sodas. But otherwise they have turned out really well. The stores with the best selections of good quality generics include Walmart and Martins/Giant and CVS. I have not had a bad experience with any of their items and believe me, there have been times where my whole kart has been a sea of store brand options.
And my third option is SAV A LOT discount grocery store. They have some great grocery items at great prices however I do not like most of their generics unless it is shredded cheese or milk. The best things to look for here are meats, produce and frozens. If you go to you can view their store circular and browse their coupons. They offer both store and manufacturers coupons so the manufacturer coupons do not have to be used at Sav A Lot, they can be used anywhere.
So the next time you find yourself looking for a deal with no coupons in hand you know what to do! Happy Sassy Shopping!

1 comment:

  1. can use coupons at the dollar store, and sometimes it will even help you get your items for FREE.


Keep On Couponing!

Keep On Couponing!